Archives: Industry-Focused

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What should transportation and logistics companies know about greenwashing?

As consumers demand more eco-friendly products and services, many companies are scrambling to prove their green credentials. Transportation and logistics companies are no different, seeking to provide more environmental-friendly means of transportation for goods and trying to source green suppliers. However it is vital that companies tread carefully and do not embellish the truth when … Continue Reading

McCarran-Ferguson Act repeal heads to the president as part of the Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act

On December 22, 2020, the U.S. Senate unanimously approved the Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act (CHIRA), previously passed by the House on September 21. If signed by the president, CHIRA would repeal health insurers’ federal antitrust immunity under the McCarran-Ferguson Act for state regulated activity that constitutes the business of insurance. CHIRA preserves some protections … Continue Reading

The UK’s new National Security and Investment Bill – what do you need to know?

In our latest client alert, we provide a practical overview of the UK’s recently published National Security and Investment Bill, which forms part of a new regime that greatly extends the government’s power to intervene in takeovers of UK businesses if there is a threat to national security. In addition to proving background on this … Continue Reading

Regulatory aspects of investing in Germany – German legislator further extends foreign investment control regime

On 18 June 2020, the German Parliament agreed to further rules on tightening foreign investment control by adopting the First Act on the amendment to the Foreign Trade and Payment Act (Außenwirtschaftsgesetz – AWG). The first amendment to the AWG was published in the Federal Gazette on 16 July 2020 and entered into force on … Continue Reading

COVID-19 pandemic accelerates the extension of foreign investment control in Germany with regard to transactions in the health care sector

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy implemented further amendments to the Foreign Trade and Payments Ordinance (Außenwirtschaftsverordnung – AWV) due to the COVID-19 pandemic to prevent the buyout of German companies active in the health care and infection protection sectors by investors from outside the EU (or EFTA). The amendment entered into … Continue Reading

FTC orders unwinding of consummated, non-reportable merger of microprocessor-equipped prosthetic knee companies

On November 1, 2019, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) upheld the decision of an administrative law judge (ALJ), finding that the non-reportable acquisition of FIH Group Holdings, LLC (Freedom) by Otto Bock HealthCare North America, Inc. (Ottobock) was likely to substantially lessen competition. Ottobock and Freedom are both manufacturers of prosthetic knees, and they both … Continue Reading

What does ICAP’s successful appeal mean for competition law fines going forward?

ICAP’s successful appeal against the EU Commission’s €14.96 million fine for facilitating banks in influencing the LIBOR/TIBOR rates is hugely significant and signals a significant set back for the EU competition authority. The case was complicated and unusual from the start, the European Court of Justice clarified the level of detail required in a decision … Continue Reading

Changes in California could see significant impact on the price of prescription drugs

California Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed an Executive Order to allow state agencies to join together and negotiate the purchase of prescription drugs. This measure could significantly reduce the cost of drugs and therefore will most certainly impact pharmaceutical manufacturers, managed care companies, pharmacies and other industry participants, as well as prescription drug consumers. For … Continue Reading

Foreign investment control extends in Germany

The German government’s decision to tighten regulation around foreign investment control in Germany means that acquisitions by foreign companies are facing much greater scrutiny. The government’s amendments to the Foreign Trade and Payments Ordinance (Außenwirtschaftsverordnung) means that the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy will be able to inspect, and potentially prohibit, an acquisition … Continue Reading